I just could not resist using this layout for the 365 challenge, wonder if this will be what the next layout prompt is about. If not then I have an extra one. lol
I just want to add I feel privileged and bless to have experienced true love and one that lasted until death parted us, and beyond because as I wrote above 'True love never dies', it goes on through the years changing and evolving even after the death of one of the lovers. So don't be sad for me that John is no longer here, rejoice with me that I have known true love.
Well I have managed to do something but not really about where I am today but it does contain memories of the 1950/60's which was the era of BIG hair do's
Well to get all those things into one day to get a balance was not easy, but the only think I have missed out is painting. I sort of cheated with the singing and dancing though and drew stick men doing those activities. lol
Not a new poem or a new photograph but when I saw the quotation for today I immediately thought of the poem I wrote back in July 2004 and as I was reading again these lines I knew what photo I wanted to use. This beautiful modern stained glass window is in The Cathedral of the Forest, aka All Saints Church Newlands in the new forest.